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Will Murray (Willscrlt)

I design, develop, draw, learn, network, paint, play, program, study, write; I enjoy the arts, computers, diverse cultures, engineering, family, science, travel

69 Reasons

1) Two people you can tell pretty much anything to?
– Mom and Dad

2) Vegetarian?
– My compassion for animals says yes. My stomach says “MEAT!” My stomach nearly always wins.

3) Heaven?
– I don’t think the common “streets paved with gold, angels sitting on puffy clouds with harps, and St. Peter standing at pearly gates” has anything to do with the afterlife. But, yes, I do strongly believe in continued existence in some manner after our mortal body stops functioning. In short, yes.

4) Last person to be in bed with?
– Not a person, but my cat Nala was curled up against me several times last night.

5) What jewelry do you wear?
– None. I have a watch I rarely wear. I would wear my H.S. class ring, but I got it in 9th grade and it’s too small for my grown-up sized finger. πŸ™
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