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Thank goodness I never started smoking

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I hate even putting something as foul as this on my blog!Is anyone else not surprised to learn that nicotine levels in cigarettes have increased over the past six years? After all, it’s the nicotine that makes the habit so hard to kick and become so addictive in the first place.

One reason that this Massachusetts report is so interesting is that the machines used mimic the way most people actually smoke. In other studies, all the vent holes are left open and the “smoker” doesn’t smoke as rapidly as people actually do. In the Massachusetts test, the vent holes are partially covered, just like they would be when people hold a cigarette. Also, their machines puff a little faster—more like a smoker on a typical “smoking break”. The testing method used has remained the same throughout all six years. The cigarette manufacturers provide the sample cigs to a testing facility that reports the results to the state, so the results are unbiased (at least as unbiased as can probably be found in this heavily biased world).

One wonders why the tobacco companies are increasing nicotine levels, when the companies are paying (as required by laws in many states) to help educate about the dangers of smoking. Maybe the reason they are increasing the addictiveness of the cigarettes is to help maintain (or even increase) the number of smokers even as they officially advocate anti-smoking. (Isn’t that a bit like a serial murderer officially advocating pacifism?) Actually, one doesn’t have to wonder at all. One simply has to remember that big tobacco is bigger money. If it weren’t for all that money, cigarettes would be banned and stevia (a natural sweetener that does not affect blood sugar) would be the most popular sugar substitute instead of questionable artificial sweeteners. It all comes down to the money.

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3 thoughts on “Thank goodness I never started smoking”

  1. A couple of people wrote saying that they are or were planning to quit smoking. This news is very depressing to them. I did a little searching, and I found the following resources to help in the battle ahead. My best wishes to all you quitters out there! Remember, quitting is winning! looks like a great site. Professional looking and packed with information and support. looks more friendly thank professional.

    The California Smokers' Helpline looks very good, too. And you don't even have to be a Californian to benefit. The site is funded by fees collected from big tobacco. So, please feel free to get something back from the companies to which you've been paying so much of your own money.

    In the U.K., there is a site called GASP that offers "Smoke Free Solutions from GASP – Non Smoking Organisation Offering a Range of Anti Smoking Products"

    Back in the USA, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers a How2Quit site.

    The National Institute of Health (NIH) has a great journal of medical articles called MedlinePlus, which offers a slew of tobacco related news and information.

    Two other sites with links to even more information on quitting are and Dr. Bob.

  2. In retrospect, taking up smoking at age 14 was one of the worst things I could ever have done to myself. Wallowed in the habit for 17 years, quit on 3 January 1979, one of the BEST things I've ever done for myself. All it took was a single hypnosis session, but I think I was ready or it prob. would not have worked for me.
    Curiously, I haven't the vaguest idea what ever happened to all the money I saved subsequently! 😉

  3. Waynebow –
    Well, the good news is that they say that quitting can gradually reduce the effects of smoking. Hopefully those 17 years of damage are behind you now.

    When I think of hypnosis, I think of the guys on stage at fairs that make people quack like a duck, or the ones you see in movies or on TV shows. What is a real hypnosis section like for smoking cessation?

    Yeah, saving money is a always good thing!

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