
On this page: Welcome | Chat | Contact Form | FAQ


Questions? Do you have a question or concern for me? Please check the FAQ section below first for answers to the most frequently asked questions I receive.

Unhappy, Upset, or Irate? If you wish to harass me, call me names, threaten me, or otherwise be rude or disrespectful, please don’t bother. I am happy that the United States gives everyone a right to express their own views, but this is my personal blog. It is like my home. It is where I put my personal thoughts down, and I allow like-minded individuals to read my thoughts. If you are not like-minded, that is, if you do not like what I have to say, there are plenty of other sites out there you will enjoy much more than this one. Please go away and leave me and my friends alone.

Still here? Great! Then probably we will get along just fine. 😀

Blog entry discussions: If you wish to politely discuss or debate things I wrote, or if you have a comment or your own thoughts about an issue, then please consider adding a comment at the end of the blog post that interests you. This helps the site to be more interactive and interesting to other visitors. Of course, if it’s of a personal nature, then go ahead and contact me directly.

Anything else: If you have questions, comments, kudos, constructive criticism, things you do not want to share publicly, or other things about the site or my blog, I would love to hear from you! Please choose one of the following methods to contact me.

Chat With Me

Possibly the most direct way to reach me is to use the chat feature that hopefully popped out on the right side of this page near the bottom (or somewhere similar on mobile devices). Fill in your name and e-mail address, and then select the “Chat (if I’m available)” button. That should send me a notification on both my computer and phone.

Chat availability is limited to the hours of 10AM to 7PM Pacific (Los Angeles) time Thursday through Tuesday, subject to change. This is an experiment, and if I receive too many spams, unsolicited offers, or negative responses, I will shut this feature down. So, please, only contact me this way if you really want to talk with me about something I care about and that you can carry on civil discourse about.

Contact Form

Please use the following form to send Will Murray a message. Every message is read, but not every message can be personally responded to. Please allow a few days for a response before assuming you will not receive one. It all depends on Will’s schedule and the volume of e-mail received.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Please take a moment to read this section to see if your question or issue is already mentioned. It will save us both some time. Thanks!

Where do I report broken links? Do you use affiliate or sponsored links? Why am I seeing ads? Can I disable ads on your site?

Hopefully all of my links still work and take you to where and what they are supposed to. But links change, sites reorganize, and content gets moved around or deleted. As a result, I cannot guarantee that all my links work or take you to the correct destination. That’s commonly called “link rot”, and it’s an inescapable fact of the Inernet well into the future.

If you find a broken link, I would love to fix it for you—assuming I can find the original content. However, I probably don’t know the link is broken, so please use the Contact Form above to report the specific page(s) and link(s) that are broken so I can try to fix them. And thanks for taking the time to do that!

Some of my links include affiliate tracking data. When you click the link, I might receive a referral fee. It could be less than 1-cent, or maybe even a few dollars if I am really lucky. Usually, it’s a very tiny amount, if anything. This does not affect your price for the product of service, however. Well, not usually. Sometimes companies offer discounts or special deals when you follow affiliate links to their site. In that case, you might actually benefit (along with me) by clicking through one of my links. At worst, no discount and no change in price. At best, we both get a little something.

Sponsored links, at least as I would describe them, are links to products or services that I am actively encouraged to sell or promote on my websites or blogs. These go beyond the passive affiliate links I just mentioned. These are basically advertisements that pay me for enticing you to click on them and buy the product or service. I will always reveal such a relationship with a sponsor, thus allowing you to decide if you want to follow the link or not. I don’t like ads very much, so there probably will be very few on this site, but if it’s a sponsored link, know that I feel confident about the company, product, or service that I am linking to. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t accept the sponsorship. But, sometimes companies change over time, so if you become aware of a problem with a particular company, product, or service, please let me know using the Contact Form above so I can reevaluate the sponsorship. Thanks!

Ads in general are something I don’t really like. I use ad blockers. I get it that you don’t like them either. So, feel free to use your favorite ad blocker on my site. I don’t mind at all. BUT know that even though in an entire year I might not serve up enough ads to earn even a dollar, any amount of money I receive would be appreciated. Allowing ads to be displayed is a simple way to support this website and my work. If you discover a particularly annoying or bothersome ad, please let me know about it. Ideally tell me the company, what it was promoting, and in what way it was annoying. A screenshot might be particularly helpful Submit the details using the Contact Form above.

Who are you? Who runs this site?

My name is Will Murray. Online, you will usually find me under my handle of Willscrlt (which is pronounced “Will Scarlet”). This site hosts my personal blog. All content is my personal thoughts and opinions, which do not align with those of any employer, client, customer, or organization with which I am, have been, or may be affiliated with in the future.

Are you “the famous” Will Murray?

Ha! Probably not. At least not yet. Hopefully someday soon that will change when I release my series of novels that I am writing. I might have to change my pen name, though, since there’s already a “famous” Will Murray author in the speculative fiction genre.

Here’s a brief list of some of the more “interesting” sounding (at least to me) Will Murray’s I’ve found on the Internet. If you are looking for “the famous Will Murray”, you might find him here:

Are you dating anyone? Are you married? Can I marry you? Do you have kids?

The short answer is: I’m not telling. Honestly, if you are asking me these types of questions, I’m very flattered. It must mean that I am doing something right.

If you know me in my personal life, I am a pretty open book about a lot of things. But online and in the public eye, I prefer to remain much more private. Therefore, I ask you to please respect my privacy and also that of my family members and close friends.

What’s your sign? When’s your birthday? Can I buy you a present?

I was born on the cusp of Scorpio and Libra, October 23rd, so I am passionate but balanced.

Instead of buying me anything, just buy my books (once they get published) or make a donation to a charity in my name for a cause I support (national and state parks, animal and environmental advocacy, protections for children, LGBTQIA+ rights, and anyone who is victimized by violence, or any others I mention in my blog).

The header image was generated by Midjourney by Will Murray (Willscrlt) and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license. It is available for public remixing per Midjourney’s terms and conditions.

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