Terms of Use ● Disclaimers ● Privacy

👋 Welcome to my corner of the internet!

I’m happy to have you here. I’ve tried to make these terms and policies as easy to read and understand as possible. I don’t want there to be any confusion or problems for you or for me.

By visiting, accessing, or otherwise using this site, your agreement to the following terms and conditions is implied. If you don’t agree, then please leave and do not use the content of this site in any manner. Thank you for understanding and respecting these terms.

🔗 On this page:

Top | Terms of Use | Age Restrictions | Controversial Topics | Your User-Generated Content | Third-Party Content and Links | Licensing of My Content | Trademarks | Privacy and Data Retention | Accessibility & DEI | Opinions and Content | No Warranties, No Guarantees | No Professional Advice | Limitation of Liability | Dispute Resolution | Contact Information | Governing Law and Jurisdiction | Looking for Something Else? | Modifications to the Site | Changes to These Terms

📜 Terms of Use

Friendly people acting kindly and responsibly are warmly welcomed!

Permission to access this site and its materials is granted only to visitors who act as caring guests visiting a friend’s or family member’s home. Treat this site, its content, and fellow visitors with respect, dignity, and tolerance.

Anyone intending to cause mischief, vandalism, violence, or spread negativity is forbidden from accessing or using this site’s materials.

In short: Be respectful and kind, or please leave.

🧒 Age Restrictions

This site is primarily intended for visitors 13 years of age and older, in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and similar regulations like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). If you’re under 13, please be aware that this site isn’t designed for you, and you should only access it under the supervision and with the consent of a parent or guardian.

For my teen visitors (13-17), I recognize that you’re likely exposed to a wide range of content in your daily lives. While I strive to keep things appropriate, some content may be more mature or complex. I encourage you to use your judgment and, if needed, discuss any concerns with a trusted adult.

In short: This site is for ages 13 and up. Younger visitors need parental supervision.

🗯️ Controversial Topics

My writing, including both the content on this site and my published works, often explores complex and sometimes controversial themes. While I don’t shy away from difficult subjects, I approach them with care and purpose. Here’s what you might encounter:

  1. Mature Themes: Relationships, including romantic and sexual situations, are discussed, but not graphically depicted. Violence may be present but isn’t gratuitously detailed.
  2. Challenging Content: Characters may express prejudiced or harmful views. These are presented to explore societal issues, not to endorse such perspectives.
  3. Difficult Life Situations: Topics like loss, trauma, and injustice may be addressed to explore human experiences and resilience.
  4. Challenging Traditional Values: I am a fervent supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and respect diverse approaches to spirituality, religion, and personal beliefs – including those who don’t embrace any spiritual aspect in their lives. My content often reflects these values of inclusivity and may challenge more conservative viewpoints. The key is open-mindedness and mutual respect, regardless of one’s personal beliefs.

Reader Discretion: If the topics mentioned above make you uncomfortable or if you find yourself fundamentally disagreeing with the values expressed here, this may not be the right place for you. While respectful dialogue is welcome, this platform is not open to arguments aiming to change these core values, censor the content, or impose any particular viewpoint – spiritual, non-spiritual, or otherwise – on others. I kindly ask that if you find the content here disagreeable, you simply choose not to engage with it rather than attempting to impose your views on this space or its community.

In short: This site contains mature themes and controversial topics, approached responsibly but without censorship. It strongly supports LGBTQIA+ rights and respects all personal beliefs, including the absence of spiritual beliefs. If this doesn’t align with your values, you may want to look elsewhere.

✍️ Your User-Generated Content

If you submit content to this website—whether it’s a comment, feedback, or any other type of contribution—you agree to the following:

  • You confirm that it’s your original work, or that you have the rights to share it.
  • You keep the copyright of your original work.
  • You grant me a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and irrevocable license to use, reproduce, change, publish, and distribute your content in any media, and to sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicenses.
  • You agree that your content may be relicensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (CC-BY-SA-3.0-US) or a later version, as well as any more restrictive license terms under which the main content of this blog is licensed.

This agreement is irrevocable but non-exclusive, meaning you can license your work to others under different terms if you wish.

I reserve the right to remove any user-generated content that violates these terms or is otherwise inappropriate for this site.

In short: You own what you submit, but you’re giving me broad permissions to use and share it or remove it.

🌐 Third-Party Content and Links

Sometimes I link to third-party websites or embed external content. While I do my best to keep things relevant, I’m not responsible for the content on those sites or any embedded content, and I can’t control what happens to those links over time. Links break, content changes—such is the nature of the internet.

I’m not liable for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites, resources, or other content embedded or linked to/from or displayed on this site.

I may link to or embed content from social media platforms. The use of such content is subject to the terms and conditions of the respective social media platforms.

To submit a DMCA claim, use the form on my Contact page.

In short: I’m not responsible for any external content linked or embedded here. Social media content has its own terms. Use the Contact page for DMCA claims.

©️ Licensing of My Content

All content on this site is subject to the following terms:

  1. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in a specific post or page, all content is my own original work or content that I have the rights to use. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Writing: stories, articles, blog entries, or other writings, in whole or in part;
    • Multimedia: photos, illustrations, audio, video, and other audiovisual content;
    • Design elements: templates, patterns, layouts, and other visual designs; and
    • Software and algorithms: apps, programs, scripts, prompts, and other code-based creations.
  2. All content is strictly copyrighted, and all rights are reserved fully, unless otherwise noted.
  3. This policy is particularly important for excerpts of my novels and related artwork that I may share on this site, and I will suffer financial and other damages if you do so. You agree to allow me or my agents to collect on such damages.
  4. You may access and view my content for your personal information and enjoyment, but redistribution, sharing, or reuse in any form is not permitted without my explicit written permission.
  5. Where applicable, I will include links and known copyright and license restrictions in each post or with any copyrighted elements that are exceptions to this. If no specific licensing information is provided, assume the content is my copyrighted work with all rights reserved.
  6. I might occasionally use AI-assisted tools in my creative process. When relevant, additional terms related to such usage will be noted in the specific post or page where such content appears.
  7. For any content not created by me or under my direction, I will clearly identify the original source and provide proper attribution. The usage rights for such content are subject to the original creator’s terms and conditions.

In short: If you didn’t create it yourself, don’t share it or reuse it anywhere else unless I specifically give you permission to do so.

™️ Trademarks

The following are service marks or trademarks (registered or otherwise) of my brand:

  • Stylized abbreviated name: K.W. Murray
  • Related domain name: KWMurray.com
  • Online alias: Willscrlt
  • Related domain name: Willscrlt.com
  • Blog tagline: Furth & Fortune: Musings about Writing, Tech, and Life
  • Profile images with my likeness

You may use these elements in an editorial sense (i.e., referencing me, my real world or online presence, mentioning me in articles, etc.), but you are not allowed to do so out of context, in a manner that disparages me or my brand, implies endorsement or consent, or otherwise is improper.

If you have legitimate need to use my trademark(s) or service mark(s), please use my Contact page explaining your need and to request the possibility of receiving a limited license for that use.

All other trademarks, service marks, or copyrights mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.

In short: Don’t use my name, likeness, or unique assets without explicit permission. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

🛡️ Privacy and Data Protection

Your privacy matters to me. Here’s how I handle your data:

  • Data Collection: I collect minimal personal data, mainly through server logs, comments, contact form submissions, affiliate links, and potentially future banner ads.
  • Roles: I’m the “data controller” (GDPR) or “business” (CCPA). Dreamhost, my web host, is the “data processor” (GDPR) or “service provider” (CCPA).
  • Your Rights: You can request access, rectification, erasure, or portability of your data. Contact me through the Contact page to exercise these rights.
  • Data Retention: Server logs are kept for 30-60 days, emails until deleted, and backups for up to 14 days, as per Dreamhost’s policy.
  • Cookies: This site uses essential cookies. Manage these through your browser settings.

Any changes to these privacy practices will be posted here and mentioned under the section, Changes to Terms. Continued use of the site after such changes constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

In short: I collect minimal data, respect your privacy rights, and will do my best to honor your data requests within this site’s limitations.

🤝 Accessibility and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

I am committed to making this site accessible to all users and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in all aspects of my work. While I primarily use pre-prepared templates, I perform basic accessibility checks and strive to create content that is inclusive and respectful of all individuals.

My commitment to DEI extends beyond just accessibility. I aim to create a welcoming space for people of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences. This includes, but is not limited to, considerations of race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, and socioeconomic status.

If you encounter any accessibility issues or feel that any content falls short in terms of inclusivity or representation, please let me know through my Contact page. I welcome your feedback and will address these concerns promptly. Your input is invaluable in helping me improve and create a more inclusive environment for all visitors.

In short: I strive for accessibility and inclusivity. Your feedback on DEI matters is welcome and appreciated.

🗣️ Opinions and Content

Unless attributed to another author or artist, everything you see here reflects personal thoughts and opinions—not those of any organizations or people I’m connected to, now or in the past.

Such thoughts and opinions are usually my own. However, sometimes, I’ll share things I find interesting or worth considering, even if they don’t align with my own views.

Obviously, comments and visitor-supplied content are not my thoughts and opinions, but rather those of the people who supplied them. This space is for open, respectful, and hopefully fun interactions and conversations. Rude comments, spam, hate speech, or any other negative behavior aren’t welcome and may be deleted. Or, they may spark an interesting discussion. Whether I keep or delete such content should not necessarily be viewed as agreement, endorsement or objection to the content. Sometimes, it’s just easier to leave things as they are, or to remove them if they become or could become an issue.

In short: These are my opinions, not anyone else’s, and let’s keep things respectful.

⚠️ No Warranties, No Guarantees

I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but let’s be real—it’s the internet. Things change, mistakes happen, and I can’t guarantee that everything here will always be accurate, complete, problem or virus free, or work correctly. Access and use the information on this site at your own risk.

In short: Use this site and its information at your own risk—I can’t guarantee its accuracy.

👨‍💼 No Professional Advice

While I may occasionally share advice or recommendations, it’s important to remember that they’re general in nature and may not apply to any specific situation. Always use your judgment, do your own research, and consult with a professional if needed before taking any action.

In short: I’m not responsible for any decisions you make based on the content here.

💰 Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent allowed by law, I (K.W. “Will” Murray, aka Willscrlt) won’t be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages that may arise from your access to or use of this site. Since you’re not paying to be here, my liability is capped at exactly the amount that you have paid me, if any.

You may have additional rights where you are, but by accessing this site and your continued use of it, you agree to waive such rights and agree to release, indemnify, and defend me and my agents against any such claims should they arise.

In short: If something goes wrong, I’m not legally responsible.

⚖️ Dispute Resolution

Any disputes will be resolved through mediation followed by binding arbitration. This applies to all disputes arising from site use.

In short: Disputes are resolved through mediation and arbitration.

📬 Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these terms, please check my Contact page first. It also contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

For purposes of copyright and other legal matters, this site is owned by:

K.W. “Will” Murray (Willscrlt)
Sacramento, CA 95818, United States

In short: Check my Contact page if you have questions about these terms.

🗽 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This website is hosted, owned, and maintained in California, and all legal matters related to the site are governed by the laws of the State of California, USA. Any disputes that arise will be handled in accordance with California law. By accessing this site and your continued use of it, you agree to waive any other claims of jurisdiction and consent to California as the sole jurisdiction over any claims or concerns.

In short: California law applies to any legal issues related to this site.

🔎 Looking for Something Else?

If you were looking for other content and were redirected here, I apologize. This probably means the information is no longer available on this blog. In rare cases, it might be protected content that you’re not authorized to view it unless you are provided with login credentials.

Note: This is not a typical “Error 404” message resulting from a typo. You were deliberately redirected here because the information used to exist but was likely removed. While you’re welcome to search the site, the information was likely removed as part of a recent site reorganization.

Thanks for visiting. Maybe there’s something else you want to see? Feel free to visit the home page of this blog, my personal home page, media gallery, or my social networking site.

In short: If you are seeing this instead of what you were expecting to see, it’s probably gone. Sorry.

🏗️ Modifications to the Site

I reserve the right to modify, suspend, or even shut down parts or the entirety of this website at any time, without notice. Things may change, but I hope to keep things fun and useful for everyone.

In short: I can change or remove content on this site at any time.

📆 Changes to These Terms

I will post on this page and they will take effect immediately. The date and general details of the most recent changes will be listed below. Continued use of the site after such changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms. If you don’t agree with the changes, please stop using the site.

In short: Check this page periodically for updates.

Recent updates:

  • 2024 September 26: Complete rewrite of all terms, including the Privacy & Data Retention Policy, to simplify readability, reflect changes in web-related laws, and revise my views about certain topics.
One thought on “Terms of Use ● Disclaimers ● Privacy”
  1. i so much like this site because it is informative.
    Thanks for this great job.Well done.

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